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Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category


Posted on: September 8, 2010

OMG! I AM GOING MACAU! in two days. tick tock!

i’ve never been to macau of course, thus excuse the uncontainable excitement. it’s going to be a 5D4N (5 days 4 nights) trip and the best part is i’ll be going with a group of crazy fun people! definitely will take lots of photos ~ food, places, people! yay yay!

sings…i’ve packed my bags i’m ready to go…

well i’m back! relatively speaking. it’s been a few months but things have been picking up – my direction in life i mean. i’ve been mostly updating via facebook but i felt it’s time my blog gets a face lift as well!

let me start with what’s really been pushing my buttons these past few months. HERBALIFE! haha, now don’t cringe or run away but HERBALIFE has really changed me. from the way i think to the person i am right now. i can truly say i’ve become a better person.

take my before/after picture for example…

before after
yes, i’ve physically changed my appearance as well! it has been an eye-opening amazing life-changing journey in the short few months. i truly must thank the wonderful ever supportive group of friends i’ve met and got to know in 2009.

it started in the month of august 2009, on that fateful day i met my sponsor Christine who introduce me a new way of life. never would i imagine what started as a life long dream to shed some weight to “look good, feel good” turned out to be a life changing journey instead.

if you ever approach a “fat” person like me and ask if i would like to have “6-packs” i would say your totally out of your mind. it’s like asking me to buy a “benz” when i’m just aspiring to get a “myvi“. however, reality is i’ve lost weight. i’ve shaped up. and best part is…i’m striving for that elusive “6-packs”. i’m very very happy indeed.

in the short 5 months i’ve travelled to Singapore, Bali Indonesia and Genting Highland ~ places where i’ve seldom if ever think of going to. yes, i was a homeboy – i work 8 hours a day and spend the evenings coupe up in my room. but i realize i’m just wasting my life away. i made a decision. i wanted to change.

i lost 2 kilos in 3 days, then 4 kilos in a week. from there it has just been amazing. 7 kilos..9.8 kilos. i also lost 6 inch off my waistline! from size 38 to size 32! and i’m just getting started.

being here today, i can attest to the fact that everyone can change. it’s simple but not easy. all you really need is much support and motivation.

i feel it’s my mission in life to do my part to help people be a better person. if you ever felt something is missing or your just plain not satisfied with how things are now ~ i’m willing to lend a hand, but you’ve got to meet me halfway.

for things to change, you have to change. for things to get better, you have to get better ~ Jim Rohn.

life is worth living. don’t give up.


Posted on: May 18, 2010

dead like me. say sayonara to my old self, hello the new me. gotta be serious, gotta be serious, gotta be serious! time to change. my outlook, my life. it starts here. now.


omg, i succumb to the inevitable. finally i’m on facebook. the horror. the sudden exposure to a multitude of mixed feelings, worries and excitement. oh well, let’s see where it takes me…

wowzers, it’s been almost half a year since my last update. goes to show how lazy busy i’ve been. yeah, yeah. you’ve read it all before…busy to update, loads of work to catch up on, life is just too dandy to devote time to letting the world know what’s going on with you. the usual excuses.

truth is, i couldn’t be bothered to write a note as there always seem to be something “better” to do in the real world. like watching the latest movie, tv series, reading a book, window shopping and sleep!

anyway, most interesting thing that’s been going on with me is i’m taking Herbalife. and happy to report that it really works. surprise surprise. i’ve been on it a month or so now and i’ve already gotten positive comments from friends and colleagues on my noticable change in appearance. people are actually asking me what’s my secret! cool huh.

that’s it. the end.



u can regard everything here as fiction, or fanfiction (me being my own fan haha), or messed up ramblings from the deranged mind of a guy in his midlife crisis. whatever. comment as u see fit. the brainless ones go to /purgatory, not that i'm saying ur a zombie. then again seeing as i'm not getting much sleep lately, i probably am one. that said, u'll realise that u can't take legal action against a zombie. cause we've gots diplomatic immuniteh. rawr.

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